Creos - Product Design

Nørre Snedevej 9
8700 Horsens
+45 26 28 96 76

9 Nørre-Snedevej
Horsens, , 8700


Product Design Consultancy

...and Entrepreneurship.

Creos do product design, design strategy, design research and design thinking.



Recommendations from colleagues and partners

The above mentioned clients are just a few of many

Please contact me for more references on +45 26 28 96 76

Recommendations below (DK/ENG):


Mads Jensen
Partner and Co-founder, Innochiller

Martin designed the InnoChiller and we are absolutely thrilled with the result! 
He is an absolute genius when it comes to understanding his clients needs and expectations, whether this is caused by talent, experience or a combination of both I’m not sure 😊.
Martin is extremely easy to work with and I’ve had many interesting conversations with him, not only on the design, but also regarding the whole process of starting up and launching a new product. 
The final design of the InnoChiller speaks for it self - see it on
We liked every single detail on the product, from the way he integrated the handle, to the overall look of the innochiller. 
Thanks Martin!

May 17, 2018, Mads was a client of Martin’s


WORKING FOR BERENDSEN (Recommendation in Danish)

Malene Rosenvinge Paludan
Product Manager, Business Line Hospitality, Sweden

I mit job som Produkschef hos Berendsen Textil Service skulle jeg have hjælp til at designe og gentænke en løsning på en af vores vigtige produktområder, og jeg fik anbefalet Martin Stoltze fra Creos – Product Design af en anden samarbejdspartner. Martin kastede sig efter vores første møde ind i opgaven med en stor passion og grundighed, og med vores gode og tætte samarbejde har han løst opgaven til perfektion. Jeg har modtaget alt det materiale vi aftalte fra begyndelsen, til den aftalte tid, og aftalte pris, og jeg er fuldt ud tilfreds med det gennemarbejdede resultatet og jeg er overbevist om at vores nydesignede produkt bliver en stor succes. Jeg vil på det varmeste anbefale andre at anvende Martin til spændende design og udviklingsopgaver.

May 16, 2018, Malene Rosenvinge was a client of Martin’s


WORKING FOR LED'it (Recommendation in Danish)

Lennart Rasmussen

LED'it A/S har i samarbejde med Martin Stoltze udviklet og designet et produkt, der kommer på markedet snarest.
Martin har under hele processen udvist stor professionalisme samt engagement og har altid overholdt aftaler og deadlines. Vi har i LED'it A/S haft stor gavn af hans kreativitet, vedrørende tegnings materiale og idégrundlag til prototype for det endelige produkt. Vi vil fremadrettet ved nye projekter meget gerne gøre brug af Martin's ideer.

February 19, 2018, Lennart was a client of Martin’s



Jan Overgaard
Senior Project Manager

Doing a project with Martin is like being on a cruise. Smooth, safe and with a lot of good experiences. Experiences that often are very surprising and new. And this is the key value of Martins work - you are presented with new - often radical new ideas - however you still feel safe and having the confirm in knowing that you will reach your common target with a good product in your hand.
It is personally and professionally a real pleasure to work with Martin

August 19, 2016, Jan was a client of Martin’s



Mads Busk Larsen
Industrial designer at Isabella A/S

Working with Martin makes Monday morning seem like Friday afternoon and his passionate approach to solving whatever challenge before him rubs off on his surroundings. His strong analytical skills and his wealth of ideas make Martin an inspiring manager and his friendly and informative personality makes it a joy to spent time with him. Martin has a fantastic sense of aesthetics and for creating products that appeal to your eye and your mind. As a manager Martin understands how to create a collaborative spirit in his team and make everyone feel comfortable and eager to perform at their best. I have been extremely happy with working under Martin leadership and he is without doubt the most talented manager I have yet experienced.

August 30, 2013, Mads Busk reported to Martin at Isabella A/S


Kim Christian Babbel – Public Speaking & Leadership Coach
Academy Leder at Isabella A/S | Kim Babbel Training | Vemma Brandpartner

Martin makes an exeptional impression on me with his ability to think out of the box, he is very skilled and at the same time very passionated and treats his profession with deep respect. Martin is a very kind and warm fellow human, and its always a pleasure to be around him. Martin has a outstanding focus on the details and nothing is left untried. My highest recommendations goes to Martin.

Kim Babbel – Leadership trainer, NLP Coach, Public Speaker.

March 5, 2013, Kim Christian Babbel worked directly with Martin at Isabella A/S



Kim Aagaard Holm
User Experience Designer. Cand. it.

Martin is a brilliant product designer and have a great personality. I really admire him for his passion and positive attitude no matter what. He is open minded and at the same time determined to deliver nothing but perfection. As a product designer he is both technically accomplished and have a great sense of, and keen interest in, the aestethics of a product. From its physical properties, to how it is presented. Martins personality and skills makes him a very good manager as well. Easy to like – fun to work with. He is very well organized, inspirational and trustworthy. Martin has helped me push my own boundaries and thereby to grow both professionally and personally. I really miss working with Martin, which probably is the best recommendation I can give him.

July 16, 2012, Kim Aagaard worked directly with Martin at Isabella A/S



Jonas Gaarde
Designer, conceptualist, innovator, manager, problem solver

I’ve had the pleasure of working closely with Martin on various projects, both related to product and graphical design, as well as conceptual and technical assignments.
Martin has consistently shown a clear understanding of the specific project, a broad tecnical insight into various product categories and a strong commitment and dedication to the task presented to him. Martin works equally well in teams and as an individual, making him both a versatile and pleasant employee.
Combined with his energy, intelligence and great sense of humour, it gives me pleasure to give him my very best recommodations for any design related position. Martin will make a strong addition to any team.

September 25, 2007, Jonas managed Martin at Jacob Jensen Design