Your Outcome
Your outcome using me as an external designer
As an external designer, I can act as an extra player on the team. Maybe time is an issue, maybe you need other skills, or maybe you miss a set of fresh eyes on your idea.
I can also take care of the entire development project as a project manager or help you put together the product development team and if you want, the production team.
Three traits that describe my character are; discipline, willpower and punctuality. Therefore, you can rest assured that the schedule and budget sticks when you make an appointment with me. It makes the process simple, smooth and friction-free for you.
For instance, I can:
Investigate if there is a market for your idea or product
conceptually develop and sketch 2, 3 or more design directions for your product or project
design and product develop your idea
build it in my CAD system (SolidWorks)
3D print mock-ups / prototypes
do the material specification with you and your company
prepare the product for production
find the right business partners to produce for you
Far from just a desk warrior
As a graduate engineer in Industrial Design, I am both creative and technical. But I'm also not afraid to grab the steel, wood and plastic. I have over 14 years of experience as a designer, design engineer, and R&D manager (including with my own company since 2013) and understand manufacturing processes and the practical benefits and consequences of the materials properties.
See the go/no go-process here.
My special skills are:
design thinking
product design
product development
design strategy
user experience
“Martin kastede sig ind i opgaven med en stor passion og grundighed, og med vores gode og tætte samarbejde har han løst opgaven til perfektion. Jeg har modtaget alt til den aftalte tid og pris, og jeg er fuldt ud tilfreds og overbevist om, at vores nydesignede produkt bliver en stor succes.”
Don't worry - I’ll stick to budget and schedule!
It is important to me that you feel comfortable and up to date throughout our collaboration. Therefore, I use the template above as the basis for my work process with a go / no go after each phase.
This means that you never commit to more than one phase at a time. Therefore, you can easily use other designers, engineers or developers in the other phases of the process.
Creation is a kind of chaos. All ideas are thrown into the air. My force is that I help you grab them again. I consist of equal parts of creativity and structure. The inventive brain is not enough. You also need to know that the schedule and budget sticks.
Sparring on your project?
Do you have an idea in mind and are you ready to see it unfold? Get a free and no obligation talk over a cup of coffee or on Skype on how I can help you really get the idea going.
My prices are definitely at the competitive end and you decide for yourself whether it is on an hourly, project or phase basis.
Schedule a non-binding meeting on tel. 26 28 96 76 or mail martin@creos.dk
“Working with Martin makes Monday morning seem like Friday afternoon and his passionate approach to solving whatever challenge before him rubs off on his surroundings. His strong analytical skills and his wealth of ideas make Martin an inspiring manager. Martin has a fantastic sense of aesthetics and for creating products that appeal to your eye and your mind.”